Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Senior citizens feel the capital pinch

Every morning Vishwanth Prasad wakes up to an email from his daughter. Vishwanath's daughter lives abroad, where she constantly worries about whether her parents are doing fine. There have been 20 robberies in the last two years in their neighbourhood in south Delhi. Earlier this month a 51-year-old woman was murdered just a few buildings away.

At 8 am (IST) their domestic help Jogomaya arrives to clear the apartment. Like many other senior citizens in Delhi, the Prasads have not hired full time help. ''We do not want anyone live us live us. Getting domestic help verified by the police is not always possible. People quit often. There is no time to get records checked for each new person,'' said Kanta Rani.

Kanta Rani insists on doing her own cooking, she says she has read about many cases where domestic help poisoned senior citizens. After an afternoon nap, the Prasads go out for their daily evening walk. They make it a point to always leave the house together. ''Alaknanda is very unsafe. Eighteen years back it was not the same. Motorcyclists came and snatched a chain from a lady in the afternoon. After that I go out only with my husband,'' said Kanta Rani.

''Look at the wall; it is of such low height. There is also a space between the barbed wires; there have been cases where thieves have escaped through this opening. There are hardly any security guards here,'' said Vishwanath Prasad. It's easy to see why the Prasads don't like to venture very far from their building. Outside their small world heavy traffic greets them, making crossing the road nearly impossible.

''Cars jump the light all the time. It's dangerous for senior citizens, as we can't move that fast. There are accidents here all the time and a lady was run over just a few days ago,'' said Vishwanath Prasad. The Prasads are back by 7 pm (IST), as they don't like staying out late. It's easier to stay at home and relax. And the day ends with the same concern that it began with. Is Delhi a high-risk home for senior citizens? 'We do not have any freedom as senior citizens. We cannot keep drivers because they are so unsafe. We feel handicapped,'' said Kanta Rani.

I too worry about the safety of my parents in Delhi. Ever since I have settled in the US I have become more concerned about their wellbeing. This news was from NDTV 24x7 through my DirecTV connection.

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